SuperCon Registration

Registration cost is $50.00. All checks should be made payable to SuperCon. Cash and Credit are accepted at the door.

SuperCon is held at Hastings Country Inn. All hotel rooms must be booked by contacting

Hotel rate for 2025 is $99/night +tax.

Reminder: the entire hotel is non-smoking.


Due to unfortunate circumstances, Consuite for 2025 will be very limited.

The bar continues on as it always has, though after our long break, please support the bar with donations!


We have not yet planned so far ahead that we have programming items slated for next February. However, we can tell you that our spectacular created-at-the-convention art show and auction will return by popular demand. You can also bet on movie showings, at least one book discussion, and ample time in between for lounging in the hot tub.

Video Room

The SuperCon video Room runs almost around the clock, although we've heard tell that it shuts down at alike 3 a.m., but that's a vicious rumor with no basis in fact.

The video room has 5 specific showings sponsored by the convention:

  • Friday at about 8 pm, a film that sort of marshals in the theme of the room for that year.
  • Friday later evening - We call it the almost-midnight movie. It's a movie. Something we thought might be good for, well, almost midnight. We've shown Rocky Horror, of course. I mean, do you think we're some kind of heathens?
  • Saturday afternoon Science Fiction Theater: Television has permeated our lives, so we felt we had to bow down and pay homage, which not many places do. Besides, it's decadent to lounge slothfully of a Saturday afternoon and stare at television. So, we find some television we think is worth staring at. Say, The Outer Limits. Or Quantum Leap. For this year, we haven't quite decided. But it must be Science Fiction. Else we'd have to change the name...
  • Politically Incorrect Theater, about 8 pm on Saturday. We find something that says you might want to leave your political correctness at the door. You might want to mail your PC to the other end of the country.
  • Almost-midnight movie; Saturday edition. It's a movie. It usually has something to do with the Friday almost midnight movie. A sequel. Or remake. Or something.

About SuperCon

SuperCon was first launched in 1992, when the Superbowl descended upon Minneapolis. At that time, not many of the local Minneapolis fans were into professional, organized sports. Recognizing the insanity that was about to descend upon the Twin Cities, our founders beat a hasty retreat. Thus, SuperCon was founded with the sole intent of being a "getaway" convention.

SuperCon has nothing truly official about it. Since many of our organizers and attendees work on other conventions during the year, SuperCon is kept as simple as possible, in order to maximize relaxation and social time. SuperCon's minimal programming exists solely so our attendees can learn more about one another. There is no dealer's room or art show, nor are there any other big, splashy events.

What can you find at SuperCon, then?

Lots of relaxation and fun!
A crowd of friendly attendees that numbers just over 100!
A decadent Consuite for your munching and drinking whims!
A movie room and some other not-so-serious programming!
Art supplies, in case you get creative!
A hot tub!
Board games and card games!
Old friends!
New friends!
Friends you haven't met yet!

Come enjoy a winter weekend with us. You know that hot tub is beckoning to you.


Why SuperCon?

Why not? Oh. Um. SuperCon was started in 1992, when several major sporting events descended upon the Twin Cities in Minnesota. Being largely non-sports minded, a group of individuals decided to escape the cities madness that year, and sojourned north to Duluth for a relaxing week-end. As all who attended enjoyed what had been wrought, it became evident that an idea founded on whimsy had merit for being repeated. Thus was born SuperCon 2. The rest, as they say, is legend.

But really - why STILL SuperCon?

SuperCon's main mission is to unite those who run other conventions and their friends in an atmosphere that allows them to relax, enjoy each other's company and enjoy the convention itself. Putting on these endeavors on a volunteer basis is time consuming and energy intensive. Many of us who attend execute our responsibilities at other events flawlessly, sacrificing time to enjoy what we create in its ongoing metamorphosis.
In short, our attendees put on larger conventions but don't get to enjoy them as they do so. SuperCon gives them a chance to be in a hotel for about 42 hours at minimum at something called a convention and allows them to enjoy it.

But wait - what about SuperCon's committee? Aren't they then sacrificing SuperCon time to make it happen?

Shh. Don't tell them. They might crack. They think it's fun, and that they are relaxing. SuperCon has long held a tradition of holding its committee meetings over a meal, usually dinner. Convention topics get snuck in while they eat, and information is gleaned to arrive at cleverly concealed decisions. Everything that's done to make the convention happen is “a favor”. No one who works on the convention has a clue what's happening except the chairperson. And they don't tell anyone how it all happens until they step down. Then they only tell the next chairperson. Sort of like the Dread Pirate Roberts. And if you don't know who THAT is, then you should come to SuperCon and ask.

Is SuperCon an adult convention?

Not quite. We refer to SuperCon as a "grown-up" convention. We love children, really, but also know that with their endless stream of questions, boundless amounts of energy, and all encompassing children-ness, parents and their friends sometimes need time away. To rest. Relax. Recharge. We designed SuperCon to be such an opportunity. Babes in arms are, of course, okay. If the child is at the toddling stage - moving around - grabbing stuff - and needing that constant watchful eye, come be with us for a week-end, let some other eyes be on the watch, and have some fun yourself!

Speaking of legend, what can be told about SuperCon 3?

Not much, because you really had to be there. Under the deep influence of Scotch, Charles, Ishmael or Kyle may be inveigled to regale with tales of S3, but don't count on it. It's been tried, and they tend to fade off in beatific stare and go to something they call their "happy place". Careful attention to the mutterings that ensue has elicited other words of "Scotch filled hot-tub", nudity, AlCONtraz, JamaiCON, police and raids.

Is there programming?


Why is there programming?

Why is the rum gone?

Is there a dealer's room?

No. We really don't have the requisite number of people attending to make such a thing viable for anyone.

Is there an art show?

Yes, if you create the art at the convention itself, feel free to display it!

Is there an art auction?

Why yes there is! It consists of - the art created at the convention. It's all for fun really, and not necessarily intended to raise an huge profit (heck, if we go over $20.00, we're surprised!).
Proceeds raised will go to a local charity that will change from year to year. If you have question about this, please contact us.

Is SuperCon a gaming convention?

No. But let's make a distinction. For the SuperCon committee, gaming is defined as any D&D/ Wargame derivative that takes hours to play. We prefer such things be left to other times. Remember, there's only 42 (or so. Maybe 50. Heck, we hear some people even make 72!) hours that we are all together. We prefer that time be spent getting to know, or re-know, one another, and there are certain intensities to such games that such down the social areas of the brain and bring out the desire to kill. Kill. KILL!!! Bloodstains are awfully hard to clean out of the carpet. We do like, however, simpler games from a more elegant time. Or is it elegant games from a simpler time? Whatever. The best rule of thumb to use is this: If it takes longer to explain how to play the game than it takes to play, let's go play parchesi.

Is there a video room \ How does the video room work?


Humph. I'm still wondering for such a small convention, why a video room?

Why is the rum gone?

Sounds good; but what else is there?

Ah - it's almost too much to tell. The most fabulous thing about SuperCon is the company we keep. People from all around the 5 state area travel to visit with us, share in our lives, and reminisce about good times at conventions and beyond. Well okay, much of the beyond is flights of fantasy because there is nothing outside of a convention.

I hear there's free flowing booze!

First, that's not a question. Second, well, actually, yes. Our bartenders do reserve the right to cut you off. Beyond that, indulge, but please indulge responsibly. The bar is usually quite extensive, not only with shot and you-really-should-mix-this-with-something type beverages, but brewmasters who attend the convention contribute brewed beverages, and we actually are the only convention to have a Wine List. If you're very lucky, you might get to see our Chairperson behind the bar pouring … stuff. Ask for the Amaretto Stone Sour. And ask him for the recipe for Pureed Smurf. You won't get the recipe, but if asked enough, he may find a way to recreate it (one of the key ingredients is no longer available)!

Okay - what's this about decadence?

What could be more decadent than hanging out in lounging clothes in the dead of winter, playing games, talking, visiting, or even sequestering yourself in your room? The holidays are behind us - rest. The conventions many of us run haven't happened yet - rest. Recharge. And look forward to bright shining day when you'll be standing in the middle of a larger convention saying "What was I thinking?!" We'll tell you.


General info and questions:
Hotel requests: